Love Your Business

We help Entrepreneurs create Sustainable companies that run Autonomously.

My Origin Story

The summer of 2001 I decided that I wanted to be a military pilot and the recruiter challenged me to get my private pilot's license to increase my chance of being accepted.

I was finishing college when 9/11 happened. I was offered a navigator's position, but decided that it wasn't for me. When I entered the job market I thought that security would be a growing field and at my first career fair there was ADT. I took a commission-only sales role in their small business division and thus started my career in the industry.

After 10 years of sales and then sales management roles that finished with Tyco Integrated Security, I felt my entrepreneurial spirit telling me to "go for it".

So, I left the safety of a large corporation for the adventure of a small business.

Over the next 10 years I grew two regional integration companies picking up the bruises and blessings that only come from wrestling with market forces, leading teams, competing and doing whatever it takes to win. (if you've run a business for any length of time, you know what I'm talking about!)

A Revelation & Shift

You know what?

Running a business is awesome!

But, it's also damn tough.

I came across so many adversities that challenged the existence of what I was doing.

Cash flow is the live blood of the business and managing it well is a requirement to make payrolls and keep vendors accounts open. But that's difficult when clients slow pay, or projects run into snags and you don't get paid.

And we all want a business that runs with minimal oversight, but how is that possible?

One experience in particular sparked a revelation.

I had brought in a financial educator to speak to my teams on preparing for retirement.

Several things came together for me in that moment.

I had long know the importance of working "on your business" and not "in it".

But, my revelation showed me how to make it a reality and it's catapulted me forward in business.

My Mission

After making an exit from my last business I shifted from working for end users, to supporting business owners.

I now share with my fellow entrepreneurs the way to have success in business without having to "do it all".

It's not magic, but there is a method. If you're feeling the weight of your business and know that this isn't the entrepreneurial dream you envisioned, give me a call.

My advice costs you nothing and if you chose to work with me by the providers I work with.

So you have nothing to lose and sustainable and autonomously running business to gain!

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– Client's Name

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– Client's Name

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– Client's Name